ボリュームたっぷり!チャべオリジナルナシゴレン/ Nasi goreng 【halal】の画像
ボリュームたっぷり!チャべオリジナルナシゴレン/ Nasi goreng 【halal】の画像
■消費期限 製造日より冷蔵で7日間
■保存方法 冷蔵庫または冷凍庫で保存
■内容量 300g 
■お届け方法 冷蔵便(真空パックでお届けします)
■お召し上がり方 袋から出して電子レンジで温め、お召し上がりください。お使いの電子レンジによって温め時間は調整してください

■ Expiration date: 7 days refrigerated from the date of manufacture
■ Preservation method: Store in the refrigerator or freezer
■ Contents: 300g
■ Delivery method: Refrigerated mail (delivered in a vacuum pack)
■ How to eat: Take it out of the bag, heat it in the microwave, and enjoy it. Please adjust the warming time according to the microwave oven you are using.
■ The photo is an image
☆ Raw materials
Rice, nasi goreng, chicken, Japanese mustard spinach, cabbage, red peppers, garlic, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

ボリュームたっぷり!チャべオリジナルナシゴレン/ Nasi goreng 【halal】


Indonesian fried rice is stir fried with handmade bumbu (sauce) at the shop.
It doesn't come with a fried egg because it's a mail order, but if you make it when you eat it, it feels like Indonesia ♪ It's over 300g and has plenty of volume. Restaurant homemade nasi goreng sauce is also on sale!
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