白井幹夫(ex THE HIGH LOWS)梶原徹也(ex THE BLUE HEARTS)のツーピース・バンド。 2ndアルバム「赤道直下」をリリース。
今回、パートナーとなったスランクは、インドネシアNo.1のロックバンド。 カカ(Vo)、ビンビン(Dr)、アドビー(G)、リド(G)、イバン(B) これまで16枚のCDを発売、内8枚のミリオンセラーを誇る。
About the artist
Mikio Shirai (ex THE HIGH LOWS) Tetsuya Kajiwara (ex THE BLUE HEARTS) two-piece band. Released the 2nd album "Immediately below the equator".
Slank, who became a partner this time, is Indonesia's No. 1 rock band. Kaka (Vo), Bing (Dr), Adobe (G), Lido (G), Ivan (B) 16 CDs have been released so far, boasting 8 million sellers.
★ If you order only "CD, DVD" and "miscellaneous goods", the shipping fee will be charged by mail. (If you order with other categories such as cooked food, the shipping fee will be by region)
In addition, delivery date and delivery time cannot be specified.
Due to the system, the shipping fee will be displayed by region, so we will contact you again after confirming your order.