白井幹夫(ex THE HIGH LOWS)梶原徹也(ex THE BLUE HEARTS)のツーピース・バンド。 2ndアルバム「赤道直下」をリリース。
今回、パートナーとなったスランクは、インドネシアNo.1のロックバンド。 カカ(Vo)、ビンビン(Dr)、アドビー(G)、リド(G)、イバン(B) これまで16枚のCDを発売、内8枚のミリオンセラーを誇る。



About the artist

Mikio Shirai (ex THE HIGH LOWS) Tetsuya Kajiwara (ex THE BLUE HEARTS) two-piece band. Released the 2nd album "Immediately below the equator".

Slank, who became a partner this time, is Indonesia's No. 1 rock band. Kaka (Vo), Bing (Dr), Adobe (G), Lido (G), Ivan (B) 16 CDs have been released so far, boasting 8 million sellers.

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2008年5月に来日公演を成功。東京公演ではクロマニヨンズをゲストに向かえ、激烈ロック炸裂。 ロック界騒然の話題となったのは記憶に新しい!! ボーカリスト・カカが歌い上げる日本語バラードを含む10曲。

A collaboration album between Indonesia's No. 1 rock band Slank, who has a wide range of fans in Japan, and The Big Hip (Mikio Shirai, Tetsuya Kajiwara), who has a strong interesting sound.
Successful performance in Japan in May 2008. At the Tokyo performance, the Cro-Magnons were directed to the guests, and a fierce rock explosion. It's a new memory that became a hot topic in the rock world !! 10 songs including a Japanese ballad sung by vocalist Kaka.
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