テンペテリマニス(自家製テンペと小魚の炒り/Tempe Teri manis【Halal】の画像
テンペテリマニス(自家製テンペと小魚の炒り/Tempe Teri manis【Halal】の画像
■消費期限 30日間
■保存方法 高温多湿を避け常温で保存。
■内容量 約60g 
■お届け方法 通常便。冷蔵便とあわせてご注文の場合は冷蔵便に梱包になります。
■お召し上がり方 そのままお召し上がりいただけます。

■ Expiration date 30 days
■ Storage: Avoid high temperature and humidity, and store at room temperature.
■ Weight: 60g
■ Delivery method: Regular flights. If you order with refrigerated mail, it will be packed in refrigerated mail.
■ How to enjoy: You can enjoy it as it is.
☆ Ingredients
Soybeans, tempe, dried sardines, peanuts, bumbu bali (red onions, red bell peppers, garlic, chili, terasi (shrimp paste), brown sugar, tomatoes, salt, kombu mandarin leaves), salt, salad oil

テンペテリマニス(自家製テンペと小魚の炒り/Tempe Teri manis【Halal】


Made from stir-fry tempe (traditional soybean fermented soybean food) and small fish. It is often served as a side dish together with Nasi campur(mixed rice), or when having Nasi Tumpeng as a celebration. It can be sprinkle on top of rice or eat it as it is like a snack. It was secretly popular when I opened it in a department store.
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